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Meet My Sister/ Amanda's Career Change/ FCA

Hey Friends,

I am thrilled to share some exciting news with you about my beautiful sister Amanda. She is making a big career change. Amanda has spent a couple years in prayer, and she feels the Lord calling her into missions. What type of missions work? Her desire is for American Missions. God is calling her to be a representative for The Fellowship of Christian Athletes Missions Organization. I am so proud of her and her desire to tell others about Jesus Christ. I am so thankful to have sisters that strive to serve the Lord in this world. Amanda is in the stage of raising support in order to do this full time position. Keep reading to hear a little bit more from Amanda's missions work. *If you are interested in supporting her, please see the bottom of this text.

Let's hear from Amanda:

As some of you already know, The Lord has led my heart to leave the beauty industry and go into full time local missions with The Fellowship of Christian Athletes! I am so excited! FCA is a foot in the door ministry…getting where the church can’t go, right on school grounds! FCA’s vision is “to see the world impacted for Jesus Christ through the influence of coaches and athletes.” A statistic by the Barna Group says that 94% of adult Christians made their decision under the age of 18! My goal is to see every student-athlete have the opportunity to hear about the love of Jesus!

As an Area Representative for Montgomery County, I will be responsible for evangelizing, training, equipping and encouraging coaches and athletes on middle school, high school, college campuses and throughout the community! One of our biggest ministries throughout the summer, is serving coaches and athletes at our leadership and sports camps.  There is much to be done, and I am excited to get going.

Those who serve with FCA only “have the feet to go” because of financial supporters who believe in the mission and want to partner to see it come to fruition. My goal is to raise $2,700.00 in monthly support (e.g. 27 partners who give $100 a month). In order to do the job, I need to be fully funded. Give and see how the Lord multiplies.

Do You Want to Support Amanda?

Become a monthly partner or give a one time financial gift: